Stephane Lavoie, MD
Orthopedic Spine Surgeon
Dr. Stephane Lavoie was born in Quebec and raised in French Canada with his sister and three brothers. Dr. Lavoie completed undergraduate studies in pre-medicine while balancing the rigors of competing on a National Championship intercollegiate volleyball team.
Dr. Lavoie attended medical school at Laval University in Quebec and soon realized he wanted to be a surgeon of the musculoskeletal system. During his residency, Dr. Lavoie developed a love for orthopaedic surgery because of the practical aspects it held. After completing his residency Dr. Lavoie was selected to complete a fellowship specializing in spine surgery at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.
Dr. Lavoie brings a new level of medical service to our patients, being the only fellowship–trained spine surgeon in the Sanford and West Volusia areas. He has also had the opportunity to work with leading companies on the development and design of advanced instrumentation for the treatment of spinal conditions. Some of those new implants are being used now to improve patients’ surgical outcomes.